Scary: Neurons release neurotransmitters, which generate electrical signals in neighboring neurons. The electrical signals propagate like a wave to thousands of neurons, transforming this information into our experience of ourselves. Reduced to our fundamentals, we are functioning as a result of the computer that is our brain. Humans are biological robots. For some, this idea is unnecessary or inconsequential for others it is overwhelming and disturbing. When thinking of our existence and the way we are essentially simple biological machines, it can create an overly zoomed out perspective, n existential view resulting in a detached and meaningless reality. What is everyone doing? What are you doing, when you become too aware that everything we do, think, and feel, is just a neural process? This experience in extreme cases can lead to a mental disorder known as DPDR (depersonalization, derealization disorder). People who suffer from DPDR can feel detached from themselves and reality. This can lead to terrifying episodes of dissociation or a feeling that things are not as they seem. A feeling that you are simply surrounded by robots, viewing yourself the same.
Anecdote: Even for those who do not suffer from this condition or are distressed by this existentialist thought, discomfort is a natural human emotion when thinking of existentialism and the fundamentals of our existence. The idea that humans are biological robots, or even share similarities to robots, tends to make most people uncomfortable. A common response to this discomfort is to deny these commonalities and find ways in which humans rise above and are so much more than machines. This angle may yield some positive feelings however it is impossible to completely deny all commonalities, and robots are cool. There is nothing wrong with robots and they are very good. The way they function is outstanding, beautiful and purposeful. Accepting the fact that fundamentally we are biological robots and there is nothing wrong with that can bring a calming simplicity to life.
Equipped with mecha armor that encapsulates their softness, Eigengrau is a robot whose purpose is to blink and move their eyes and show you are also a robot. Eigengrau is designed to appear powerful and beautiful. Accepting Eigegrau’s existence in front of you can help you accept your own as a biological robot that is ok. Eigengrau: Eigengrau is a 3D model printed using PLA glow filament and resin. The eye mechanism was developed using the Nilheim Mechatronics model. It is made up of 6 servos attached to the 3D printed axes and bases. Every detail of the character's 3D model was created completely on Nomad sculpt to hold the eye mechanism as well as the mecha attributes and wings. The development of this project required me to learn these skills including programming, soldering(wiring), 3D modeling and printing. This was only possible due to the help from Genna Smith, Tiffany Wilson and people working at the Hive.